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Steve Piacente

Director of Training, Executive Communication Coach

Steve Piacente has spent more than four decades honing his communications expertise as a Washington correspondent, government speechwriter, associate professor, and professional life coach.

Steve joined The Communication Center in 2013 after 10 years at the U.S. General Services Administration, where he served as deputy communications director, responsible for the web and social media team, and before that, as speechwriter for the GSA Administrator.

Steve is the author of three novels, Pretender, Bootlicker and Bella, and the non-fiction, Your New Fighting Stance, a self-help work aligned with his life coaching practice. He is certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF).

Steve has been a professional writer since graduating from American University in 1976. He started at the Naples Daily News and Lakeland Ledger in Florida, and later was D.C. correspondent for the Tampa Tribune, and Charleston (S.C.) Post & Courier.

Steve also teaches communications at American, and has taught classes on public relations, media and politics, and reporting in other university Washington Semester programs. He holds a B.A. in communications from American, and a Masters in Fiction from Johns Hopkins University.