Presentation Workshop Training
Presentation Workshop Training
Taking the time to create an entire presentation is a daunting task for many. The Communication Center's newest offering removes the stress involved with creating a presentation, and helps individuals or small groups build a presentation from the ground up.
This is a three-day program designed to create an organized and well-structured presentation, complete with PowerPoint slides. Participants will work with a coach to analyze their target audiences to make the opening captivating, and the messages memorable. Participants also receive practice and critique from their coach to ensure they walk away feeling empowered to deliver a successful performance.
Day 1:
Audience Analysis
Message Development
PowerPoint Storyboard
Structure Outline
DAY 2:
Narrative Development
Opening and Closing Refinement
PowerPoint Design
DAY 3:
PowerPoint Refinement
On-Camera Practice and Feedback
Delivery Techniques
One-On-One Coaching
Half Day (3.5 Hours)
Extended Half Day (5 Hours)
Full Day (7 Hours)
1-2 Hour Follow-Up
Small Group Sessions (2 - 25 Participants)
Half Day (3.5 Hours)
Extended Half Day (5 Hours)
Full Day (7 Hours)
2 Day (14 Hours)
Large Group Sessions (10 - 100 Participants)
1 - 2 Hours (10 - 100 Participants)
3 - 4 Hours (10 - 100 Participants)
Lunch and Learns/Webinars
Half Day (3.5 Hours)
Extended Half Day (5 Hours)
Full Day (7 Hours)
1-2 Hour Follow-Up
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